Thursday, October 23, 2008

Ive been taged!

I was tagged twice! by Holden of Packing Vocals and Kyle of Butchtastic.

Wow its been a bit longer than I would hope between posts but midterms do that.

1. Link to your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog - some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blog.
4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

So the 7 random or weird facts are;

1) I always have gaffers tape with me, about 3 feet wrapped around a card in my wallet, my desk drawer, or my car. Its such handy stuff better than duct tape; I can tear it easily and no sticky gunk.

2) speaking of sticky gunk I can't stand my hands being sticky or things on my hands, I will be in the middle of a project and I just have to go wash my hands.

3) I always want to write in green ink, I also always write on grid paper

4) I dislike cats but I have learned to love the ladys cats, but I still want a puppy.”

5) I don't do spiders, the lady has to take care of them

6) One of my earliest memories is of getting bit by a spider, Ive also gotten 2 cortisone shots because of another bite. As I said, I don't do spiders.

7) I read technical manuals for fun, often times after I have used the product or on different kinds of motors they don't make anymore.

I think everyones blog that I read has been tagged so I might do a different tagging post later this week if I get a chance.


Holden said...

Gaffer tape is good stuff. I do like cats but would love a puppy one day.

Hope the mid-terms went (are going?) well.

Anonymous said...

darn, that's some serious spider trauma. good thing your lady doesn't mind them.

cats are great in my opinion, but absolutely no substitute for a puppy. that's just a different plane of existence.

Anonymous said...

I'm writing in green ink right now. :)