Wednesday, February 25, 2009

So, I’m not so good at this blogging thing. I think it has to do with the fact that I think of things I want to say all the time but rarely get around to sitting down in front of a computer to formulate these thoughts into something else, and if I do I generally feel guilty for not doing other things (like laundry or reading) or enjoying my free time with friends. So your getting a short rambeling and some fluff thrown in there too.

The thing that has been bouncing around in my head the most as of late is stature and how that plays into ID’ing as butch. I’m pretty tall and watching the different way people interact/treat me in comparison to a much physically smaller butch fascinates me. The amount of unearned respect that comes with being a larger size especially from men is exponentially higher. Something that was delt out to me by the genetics lottery allows the guys I work with to question less my ablitiy than someone who may have more skills but is smaller? What? Size has nothing to do with the way people should present themselves in the gender spectrum

Another thing about size is finding clothes, which is way easier said than done. Turns out I spend more time clothes shopping than the lady. Probably because I am kind of picky on my clothing cuts. But the best thing I have fallen in love with all winter is the half zip sweater

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